Call someone in the organization
You can make one-on-one or group calls with anyone in your organization (Educatius Group AB) directly without having to host a team meeting. The other user does not need a phone number in Teams.
You will need to download Microsoft Teams for desktop (Windows 7, Windows 10, Mac OS) first before calling one-on-one audio calls or including video. You can make and join group calls using your browser.
1. In Microsoft Teams, in the search bar, type the name of the person you want to contact.
2. Click Audio call
(the middle button at the top right) to start a voice only call.
a. Click Video call
(left button) to include video. You can add users to the call as well.

Note: Up to 50 people can be on the same video call. However, you can only see the four users who have spoken most recently on your screen.