DocumentsCorePack Template Designer
1. To get started using DCP, open Microsoft Word.
2. Click on the tab If you don't see this tab and you need to use DCP, contact
3. Click on Documents Core Pack Settings
4. VERY IMPORTANT: Change Account to Opportunity under Default Entity.
5. Make sure your Settings match the below photo and click OK.
6. You can open a previously made template or start your own. Use Insert MailMerge Fields to add information from CRM.
7. Once you have a template set, you can test it by clicking Choose Data and look up a student to test the fields with. (Don't worry, this doesn't save unless you save it or send to student - just allows you to see what it will look like)
Make sure Opportunity is selected at the top and you can search by student name or using your Saved Views
8. In Dynamics, click Create Document while on the Opportunity.
9. Select the Template and click Next.
10. Create the PDF and attach as note. It will let you preview at the end. Click Finish when all set.
For more information on using DCP, check out these resources:
Official User Guide: DocumentsCorePack Template Designer for MS CRM 2015/2016 and Dynamics 365, Ver. 1.0
Basic Instructional Video: