1. Go to Marketing > Dashboards
2. Choose what dashboard you want to share
6. Click Select and Add
7. Click Share button to take effect.
***Please note, if your dashboard is pulling from various views and or charts, those will need to be shared with the user as well.***
Share Views:
1. Check the dashboard you are sharing. If you know which views in Leads and Opportunities you need, great! Proceed to step 4.
2. If not, click the icon that looks like stacked paper or a grid:
3. On the page that comes up, click the arrow next to the name of the view and scroll up until you see "All Leads" or "All Opportunities." Now you know if it is a Lead or Opportunity. Close the window.
4. Share all views that relate to that dashboard. You can do this by following the instructions here: https://helpdesk.educatius.org/solution/categories/1000034616/folders/1000059177/articles/1000044829-share-personal-views
Share Charts
1. On the dashboard, if the icon that looks like a grid, you just have to make sure that the user has access to the view associated with it (see above steps for sharing views). There is nothing extra to share.
2. If the icon looks like stacked paper, click it.
3. On the page that comes up, on the right side there should be a section that says "Actions." Click the word "Actions" and click "Share." Follow steps 4 and 5 from above.
*If you don't see Actions, click on this bar: