Login to Remote Desktop Services (RDS)
1. Go to https://educatius-rds.donator.se/RDWeb/
2. Login with your username and password (given to you by HR or IT)
3. Click on the ”desktop”-icon under “remoteapp and desktop”
4. If you run another browser than Internet Explorer or Edge, the user’ll be prompted to associate the application. The default value is “Remote Desktop Connection”. Check "Do this automatic for files like this"
5. When prompted to allow the application (RDP) to run, check "don't ask me again for remote connections from this publisher", followed by "Connect"
6. If you are running a web browser other than Internet Explorer or Edge, enter your credential again
7. You’ll now login to the desktop
8. Once logged in, you will see the published applications like from your your old Citrix environment. Call our support if you’re missing any application
9. To view and access your files from the old environment, tap the Explorer icon at the start icon.
10. Click on “this computer”, and the connected network devices will appear below