Attach files from SharePoint to email
**Please view the attached videos**
Outlook Online -
1. Create New message
2. Click Attach
3. Click Browse cloud locations
4. It defaults to your personal OneDrive automatically. You can upload from here, or choose Groups
5. Find the SharePoint Group/Site your files are in and click it
6. Find the file and click Next
7. Change the permissions if needed by clicking on the arrow next to file and Manage access
8. Under this menu is where you can make a link into a copy if you would like as well
9. Send message
Outlook Desktop Version
1. Create New Email
2. Click Attach File
3. Click Browse web locations
4. Your personal OneDrive is the first option. You can upload from here or go to Group Files.
5. Find the SharePoint Group/Site your files are in and click it
6. Find the file and click Insert
7. Choose to Share link or Attach as copy. A link will able to be edited in real-time by the recipient, a copy will not reflect any changes made by recipient
8. Change the permissions if needed by clicking on the arrow next to file and Change permissions
9. Under this menu is where you can make a link into a copy if you would like as well
10. Send message