Translating in the School Database
Translating School Database Information
Translating information in the School Database can be completed to allow:
- Database users to operate in their local language
- The School Database to be used as a source for our websites in multiple languages.
In the Database there are two areas to complete translation.
- Languages Module (in Tools section) - This contains all the system information displayed in the Database Base. This includes the information you see on the Dashboard, in the menus, and even in the School Profiles. In the School Profiles, the Languages Module only contains the text for the headers and the options you can select in toggles, dropdown menus, and multi-selectors.
- School Profiles (in the School Database section) - This is typically single line fields for the small descriptions or multi-line fields where the user will write descriptions or make notes. In these cases, after a user inputs their data, others will need to translate. If a user edits any of these fields, the translations will also require updating.
Translating in the Languages Module:
After logging into the Database, click the language dropdown in the top right and make sure that you are in the correct language:
Next, click on Tools and then click Languages
- Choose the language you want to edit and click the Edit button
- Navigate to the area you need to translate, in this case we will go to the schooldetails.php section. Click on "Translate schooldetails.php" circled in green in the Links section.
- Scroll down until you find the fields you need to edit. In this case, we are editing the program_length_values circled in green.
- Click into the field you need to translate and type your translation, then delete the old language that was there. Once you have finished your translations, scroll down to the bottom of the section you edited and click the Save Translations button. Important Note: In order to save your edits, you must use the Save Translations button at thee bottom of the section you edited. If you use any other Save Translations button, your translations will be lost. In this case, we should scroll to the bottom of the schooldetails.php section and click the Save Translations button circled in green below.
Translating in Other Areas (Single Line and Multi-line Text Fields):
After logging into the Database, click the language dropdown in the top right and make sure that you are in the correct language:
Next, click on School Database and then Schools Overview
Find the school you need to translate, and click the name
Open the School Facts
Locate the Single Line or Multi-line Text Field you will edit
Example 1 - Mutli-line Text Field in the School Description
First click Action and then Edit Description
Locate your language and click Action and then Edit, if you need to look at the English before hand, scroll to the English Description and review. You can also copy the English text and paste it in a Word Document so you do not have to keep looking back.
Type in your edits in the text box under Description:
If needed, you can resize the box by click and dragging the two lines in the bottom right of the text box:
Click the green Save button at the Bottom
Example 2 - Single Line in the School Facts
In School Facts, click the Action button and then Edit school facts
- Click Action and Edit School Facts again
Locate the field you want to translate:
If needed, change to English to view the English Text and then change back to your language
Translate the text by typing in the field
Click the green Save button at the bottom