Accessing the SAP Build Tenant Monitoring
- Open the SAP Build Tenant Website of Educatius: SAP Build Tenant: SAP Educatius
- Login with SAP Educatius Client Credentials
- From the Home Screen > Click Monitoring or Control Tower on the Sidebar.
4. On the Monitoring Page, Users can either navigate on the following depending on which needs to be monitored.
Automation Jobs: Lists down the run history of all automation jobs in the Tenant. This includes the ones in Ready, Running, Cancelled or Successful statuses.
Triggers: List of triggers that is currently in the Tenant. The triggers can be modified to set the status of the trigger(enable/disable) or set the schedules of the automation jobs that it will run.
In the Triggers Page, users can also access the schedules of each trigger by editing the trigger using the three dots “…” under the Actions column.
Schedules of each Bot
Invoice Supplier Bot – Uses 2 Triggers ( PROD – Doc Extract and PROD – Invoice Upload )
- 1st Run: 4:30AM to 8:00AM UTC.
- 2nd Run: 6:00PM to 9:00PM UTC.
Frequency: Daily (Mon – Sun)
Sales Order Bot – Uses 1 Trigger ( Sales Order )
- Runs the whole day every 15 minutes.
- Frequency: Daily (Mon – Sun)
5. On the Control Tower Page, users can access the Agents Page and verify if the Virtual Machines are connected to the SAP Build Tenant. Kindly ensure that all agents are always connected to avoid runtime issues.
If there’s a disconnected agent (Please see screenshot below for reference.). Please access the assigned virtual machine and check for any abnormalities.
User can check that the Agent Desktop is running in the background by doing the following steps:
1. Double Click Desktop Agent in the Hidden Icons
2. Desktop Agent Status should be in Ready/Running Status.