Common Issues and Troubleshooting with SAP Excel Add-in
Errors or issues while installing SAP Excel Add-in.
SAP Business ByDesign
1. What is the error: “problem with this Windows Installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor” during SAP Excel Add-in installation?

-This error is due to a missing file from .NET Framework please try to reinstall .NET Framework (you can download it here)and after it try to install the SAP Excel Add-in.
Windows 10 has built-in .NET version 4.6.2 but sometimes some of the necessary files for the add-in to work are not present so you can do the following steps to try to fix this
1) Go to the Control Panel on your PC
2) Open Program and Features
3) Open Turn Windows Features on and off
4) Check .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)
5) Press Ok
6) Windows will download a small .cab application from Windows Update – install it and try again to install the SAP Excel Add-in

2. After installation I don’t see the SAP Excel Add-in tab within Excel.
Sometimes Microsoft Office doesn’t enable the new Add-in to be visible. To make the tab visible please follow the steps below:
1) Open Excel
2) Go to File
3) Open Options
4) Go to Add-ins section
5) In the Manage section please select COM Add-ins
6) Click Go
7) Check the entry SAP Add-in for Microsoft Excel
8) Press Ok

But there might be the possibility that you still cannot get the excel Add-in tab visible, especially when you install the Add-in after you upgrade your operation system or you get a new laptop and install the Add-in.
In such a case, try the following steps:
1) Open Excel
2) Go to File
3) Open Options
4) Go to Add-ins section
5) In the Manage section please select Disabled Add-ins
6) Click Go
7) Check the entry SAP Add-in for Microsoft Excel

8) Press Enable and then OK., then you can follow the steps mentioned above.
3. What is the error: “Unable to cast COM object of type Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ApplicationClass’ to interface type ‘Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._Application’. This operation failed because the Query Interface call on the COM component for the interface with IID ‘{00063001-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}’ failed due to the following error: Library not registered.” ?
The error is caused by a wrong registry file, this happens when you downgrade the version of Microsoft Office. e.g. 2010 to 2007.
Registry Key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Here you will see that you have for example folders with numbers: 9.3, 9.4 or 9.5 – it depends of the versions of the Microsoft Package.
Outlook 2007 9.3
Outlook 2010 9.4
Outlook 2013 9.5
So when you downgrade, these folders are not deleted, if you went from Office 2010 the 9.4 will be present together with 9.3 from Office 2007.
You can delete the folder related to Microsoft Office which IS NOT installed in the computer.
If you have the 9.4 folder (from Office 2010) and you are using Office 2007 (folder 9.3). You should delete the folder 9.4, related to Office 2010 that you do not have installed in your computer, inside the registry key.
4. What is the error: “Invalid credentials; check your user and password” during the SAP Excel Add-in Logon?
Please perform the following checks:
1) Check if the system URL is correct under SAP System URL. Some users by mistake type the URL and it has a blank space in the end.
2) Check if your username and password are correct.
3) Check with your administrator (also known as Key User) if your password is not blocked.
(After the 3rd attempt or based on your company settings – the password will be locked in the system so the administrator will need to unlock it for you).
4) Check if your Proxy Settings are correct.
5) If you use the Single Sign On feature check if the Certificate selected under Select Certificate is correct.
5. You have the following error when the report opens “Starting SAP Report…”
1)Open Excel
2)Go to File
3)Open Options
4)Go to the Trust Center
5)Open Trust Center Settings
6)Go to Protected View
7)Uncheck Enable Protected View for files originating from the Internet and Enable Protected View for files located in potentially unsafe locations.
8)Press OK
9) Try to open again the report from the system
6. You trying to log in via SSO in Excel Add-in and have the following error:

Note: The SSO needs to be configured in the system itself (via the activities in the Application and User Management Workcenter in SAP Business ByDesign or in Administration Workcenter for SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer) if not properly setup the SSO environment this behavior will be shown in Excel Add-in during the Log On.
7. You are working with a template and you dont see the option “Save data to”:
This behavior can have multiple causes the most common are:
1)You are using a old template (from a past system release and not the current):
Please download the latest template from system.
2)You are not using the latest Excel Add-in plugin:
Please update the SAP Excel Add-in plugin to latest version